Status update

Today is my real birthday! In a matter of hours it will also be my Glitch's Imagined Day in Ur time. Wishing I could celebrate in game for a bit today. Open a party pack, friends; drink some pumpkin ale and munch on Pi please :)

12 replies

12 replies
  1. Voluptua Sneezelips

    Happy Averyday! And happy imagining day. *munches* This is the best Pi ever.

  2. Ayasta

    Hey! You share a birthday with my big brother. His bday is today too! Happy birthday! *hugs*

  3. Audaria

    Well Happy Birthday sibling of my day. December 16 is the best day on which to be born!

    1 reply

  4. acro, obviously

    Sorry I missed your birfday, Abery! Hope it was wonderful. <3

in reply to

Status update

Happy day, Avery!

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