
Looping music, missing beer, meditation madness, oh my!

I have no idea what just happened. I was hanging out in Oktyabrya mining and drinking beer for The Great Guzzler Challenge and everything went nuts. I drank my last 4 of 12 beers and then noticed I was low on energy, so I used my Focusing Orb.

That's when things started going crazy - the Focusing Orb music didn't stop playing even after it gave me my +4 energy. It looped over and over for several minutes. I tried doing other activities to interrupt it (mined, tended patches) but it just kept going. For awhile, I had the Focusing Orb music looping with the mining sound also occasionally looping. Weird.

At that point, I reloaded. The music is gone but I now have the Zen warning (can't gain energy through meditation) even though I'd only used the orb for +4 energy before it went haywire. I'm also missing those last 4 beers I drank, so I gotta go buy more to complete the quest. Doh.

I'm using the most recent version of Chrome.

Posted 14 years ago by leah Subscriber! | Permalink