
A use for musicblocks - street music

So, I really love my street backdrop, but I quickly got tired of the music that goes with it. I get so many musicblocks, but they're only good for selling and listening to once in a while for the img. I think it would be great to be able to use musicblocks as a consumable on one's street to change the music that plays there to that of the block. Gives a use for musicblocks and adds a nifty bit of street customization. 

Posted 12 years ago by Rain ??? Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Yeah that would be a great idea, lord knows i'm sick of my street's music.
    Posted 12 years ago by VirgZK Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ha...after maybe the first 10 minutes of playing the game I muted the sounds. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Deblyn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Given that musicblocks are only a few seconds long, I imagine you'd get tired of the musicblock pretty soon too.
    Posted 12 years ago by Alaric Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That's why we need something more like this, one note at a time...
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • A jukebox that holds music blocks would be cool
    Posted 12 years ago by Pickle Juice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • surely the music of musicblocks should be longer to do this

    there was a reply from a staff member about home street music, even if it was vague as usual and not sure if it was referring to only home music or also jukeboxes (no mention of musicblocks..)
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink