
Option to not sell last item in an SDB -

I would like to see the option in an SDB to set it so that the last item in the box cannot be sold.  That way I could put the music blocks I have for sale on my ground floor in with my music blocks in my Music Room without my display being destroyed if someone buys the last one.  Likewise for my cubimal display, or artifacts, if I get multiples of the same pieces - I am always going to want to hold onto one until I have completed the set, but being able to sell the excess pieces from the same SDB that I am holding the artifact piece in that I need, would be nice.

Posted 12 years ago by FineousFingers Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1 so it would become a storage SDB and a selling SDB  at the same time?
    to make it usefull not only for single/collectible items, it could be: the last x items are not sold

    in an other thread there was a similar suggestion, but focused only on the upper limit, while this one is focused on the bottom limit of a SDB
    it would make an SDB even more versatile to have both implemented

    edit. Just noticed there may be a problem with that, but only if you plan on using said intermediate SDB in a display use setting, like a bedroom, any room which would normally not be a store
    Because, since the SDB would also be a store it would be obligatory to have the price tag visible, which would sort of ruin the no-store setting it's used into
    To relate with your initial music room example: you would likely have your music room full of price tags
    I personally think the price tags would ruin the atmosphere of the room, but it's not obligatory to be like that :P
    This is just a tiny issue for who may be thinking to get rid of the SDBs from the store room, it may happen the opposite, you'll get rid of your SDB from your 'private'/personal/designed rooms (only the ones who would be doubled with not this idea, like the musicblocks)

    on the opposite, using the store one owns also as secure storage, i can't see any problem :P
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink