
Automatic crafting for ingredients

disclaimer: i've tryed to look if something similar got suggested already, but didn't find any, in case this remembers you of something please link it here for reference :)

there happens sometime to have a recipe you want to craft which requires as ingredients other recipes products, and those recipe themselfes require other recipes products as ingredients...

like anything requiring as ingredient Hot n fizzy sauces(heartly groddle sammich for example), which requires 1 subproduct from bubbles and 3 different subproducts from spice

issue: a lot of time is used to move into each recipe-ingredient menu and setting the (proportional)quantity needed for the final recipe

idea: it would speed up all the crafting to have all the ingredients-from-recipes being autocrafted
(assuming i've all the basic ingredients ready)

that means, if i want 12 heartly groddle sammiches, i'll only input 12 heartly sammiches and press make(cook)
if i lack hot n fizzy sauce, it will automatically produce more from the resources i've in the bags
if there aren't enouth tiny bubbles or mustard for the sauce, it'll produce the required ammount of them to produce the required ammount of sauce for the sammich
once the ingredients for the heartly groddle sammich are all ready, finally, the sammich will be cooked too
but in all this the only action i'll have done is setting the ammount of sammiches and pressing make(cook)

i used cooking as example, since i've found more often this issue while using it
but this same automatic solution could be applied to any crafting, always assuming one already has all the basic resource in the bags

extra: there could be an option between
-using all the already present ingredients, and crafting only if lacking
-crafting the ingredients anyway, not consuming the ones already present

Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink


  • What would be nice would be to somehow plug yourself into your house so that all of your SDBs count as inventory for the purpose of crafting.  
    Posted 12 years ago by WalruZ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That sounds dirty, Walruz...ill take 2 pls...
    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink