
inventory display during donating and giving: showing items by bags instead of one large window

I find the current alphabetical order of items during donating very confusing.

First off, often I cannot recall the exact name for an item (and with so many whimsical names, and for a large number of items I keep, it may be a bit difficult). Secondly, I prefer to arrange items in my bags by their purpose (much like autosorting); and if, for example, I want to give a glitch *a* drink from the glitch-triggered menu, it will be faster and more convenient to navigate directly to my bags with drinks and choose one instead of looking for a drink on a large panel.

The easily obtainable inventory space in Glitch is a blessing for packrats like I, but it makes donating and impulse gifting increasingly difficult.

To summarize, please provide an option to display inventory by bags during donating and gifting, rather than showing all items together in one large window sorted alphabetically.

Posted 12 years ago by Allyanna Subscriber! | Permalink


  • YES.  The alphabetical donating window (used in Rook attacks too, where time is of the essence and hunting through your bag might cause you to lose out) is probably the worst UI design in the game.  It's impossible to find anything, and to add insult to injury, it lags me somethin' awful -- if I hit Donate at a shrine accidentally I almost always have to reload immediately afterward.  Please make the give/donate window more like the UI we use for selecting auction items, which is really clean and clear and suits OUR organizational style.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pale Queen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • agree, it's really confusing even if they're ordered alphabetically, plus the same items are left stacked and not merged by item type
    there could be the usual square where to drop the wanted item, like in trade or element alchemy
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink