
Random sorta organizational ideas

These are some random ideas I had while playing recently, wishing these things were real.

1.) Add an unpen/re-pen option to the herding sticks for harvesting purposes. I harvest from my animals all the time; I unpen my piggies so they roam around, harvest from each one, then re-pen the whole group when they're all harvested. (It's often too tedious to harvest individual animals while they are tied to their sticks, which is why I unpen them to do this.) It would be amazing if I could re-pen individual animals once I harvest from them! No more having to mouseover each one (not dissing the mouseover--it's a lifesaver), or clicking the wrong animal, or dealing with all the screen clutter from animals roaming around all over each other.

2.) Combine one partially used potion/tincture/powder with another partially used potion/tincture/powder of the same kind. Feels kinda like recycling, which is awesome, and also saves bag space. This is a small thing, and I'm sure it's been mentioned before around here. :)

3.) Set a limit on how many items in an SDB can be sold so you can use the box for storage and also for selling. If I want to store 10,000 apples but also want to sell 3,000 of them, let me do that. The 3,000 can be sold, the remaining 7,000 remain in my storage--and all from within the same SDB!

4.) A confirmation option for when you stand in front of your tower/house and accidentally enter it instead of harvesting or whatever else you're trying to do. I just entered my house 3 times trying to harvest from butterflies. You could say I'm just a doofus for not just moving, but it's still impractical and I know it happens to everyone. A simple "Are you sure you want to enter tower/house?" confirmation would be awesome.

Posted 12 years ago by Pengwen Subscriber! | Permalink
