
Functions for playing tag and hide&seek

Hello! I am new to this game, and I don't know a lot about anything. But... I want to be able to play tag with my friends!

As it is now, it's very difficult to keep track of who is "it", especially when there are more than two players involved! Because it's hard to type and run at the same time.  So I thought, it would be awesome to have a tag function, where the game can tell when you get close enough to tag someone, and somehow mark that player as being "it", maybe by automatically shouting it out in chat, or coloring that player red on the mini-map, or something... Or if that's too advanced, just having a button to shout out a pre-written message, so you don't have to type it while running for your life. Best would be if you could somehow get in the name of the person closest to you, but maybe that's difficult... I just think that, it would be fun to get to have more stuff to do with other players. Tag is a really simple way to have fun, and it never gets old. (At least not for me!)

Then again, as I said, I'm very new, so maybe there is already something like this... Anyway, those are my thoughts!

Oh, and also, if there is no way to hide the mini-map (I haven't found one), that would be a great function too, because it's hard to play hide and go seek when you can see each other's dots on the map clearly. X)

I think functions like these wouldn't be too hard to implement, but they could really contribute to a lot of fun times to be had! Please consider it. :)

Posted 12 years ago by Skrellen Subscriber! | Permalink
