
One Final Feat - The Remembrance Migration

One Final Feat - The Remembrance Migration

The bubble trees said it first, but soon the rocks and other trees got word, the age is ending, and the Great Deimagining is upon us. The Giants are waking from their slumber, and Ur will soon be nothing more than a fading half-remembered dream. 

All hope seemed lost, for the Rooks would finally have their day feeding on the shreds of imagination. 

Then out from a mysterious portal popped the stranger only known as The Smuggler. He had been spotted around Ur recruiting Glitchen to transport contraband, but that, it seems was just the beginning. 

"Glichen of Ur! By now you've all heard the terrible news. Your world is ending along with everything in it. But fear not, for I offer you salvation!"

"The Giants that you know are awakening, but there is another. The Great Hoard knows of your plight. She is the Great Rememberer, Collector of Secrets and Trinkets."

"For years I've known of this coming time, and have been preparing. I have been transporting the raw imagination of this world to seed Her's, for while she remembers all, she can be terribly dull and unimaginative."

"The time has come to abandon this world for a new one, but we can't go alone. Your world needs you. Hoard has charged us to prepare everything and everyone for the Remembrance Migration."

"I will be going around and reattuning the shrines to Hoard. I've worked out an agreement with the street spirits to hand out Remembrance Cubes, with will help you collect the animals, rocks, and trees."

"Once you have collected them, simply donate the Cube at the shrine, and Hoard will take it from there, populating our new world. Once we have every animal, tree, and rock, we'll all take the transporters to the new world, where we will start our new lives in a new Age."

"Hurry, my friends. We don't have much time. We can't save Ur, but we can save its inhabitants."

He then got to work, showing us the way. 

We may be losing our world, but at least we now have hope.


I don't know if there is time to do this or not, but if so, this would be a great way to end the game. One last feat, the feat to end them all as it were. 

The way the Remembrance Cube could work is either to simply pack up the object, or make it a Project, which upon completion gives a packed tree, animal, or rock. We then donate these, and slowly clear all of the streets of Ur. 

Once that is done, on the last day, we can pack up the streets and replace them with versions from Construct, or simply fade to white, with a "Thanks for Playing"

Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink


  • awwww, this sounds so great and so sad all at once. It's a great idea for a feat tho!  :)
    Posted 12 years ago by CoffeeSnob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well, there isn't a way to have a completely happy ending here, but we could certainly get a bitter-sweet ending. Even if there is nothing done along these lines, this is how I'll think of Glitch ending, along with my Glitch whistling the theme song in an empty and echoing house, as he turns off the lights.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There is actually one final feat in preparation so i've been told by a member of staff
    Posted 12 years ago by Santa Clause Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I want to hear the conch song playing as we migrate to our new world. Other than that, it's perfect!
    Posted 12 years ago by Flowerry Pott Subscriber! | Permalink