
Let us hug our Butlers?

A few days ago, on a whim, I typed one word to my Butler (Raleigh): "hug". This prompted the most heartbreaking exchange between Glitch and Butler ever.

You  hug
Raleigh  I wish I could hug you.
You  hug
Raleigh  I’m not equipped to hug :(

If there's one thing I want to do during the End of the World, it would be to grant my Butler's wish and actually give him a big Glitchy hug. I can understand if it's too late for this to be implemented, but I think it would be a sweet addition to the repertoire of Butler commands and would be really fitting for the EOTW.


Posted 12 years ago by Abigail Subscriber! | Permalink


  • i don't even like hugging irl but I really want to hug my butler too. I had this sad exchange with him a few weeks back...
    Posted 12 years ago by onelittlebird Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I second this, I so would wanna be able to hug him once before it all ends
    Posted 12 years ago by EvilBlackSheep Subscriber! | Permalink
  • But they did fix it so you can tell your butler you love him and he will repsond with a few nice comments! That used to get a "I don't understand" response. I always knew Wombat loved me - he was just unable to express it. I want to hug him too,
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Try saying "I love you" and "you are cute".
    Posted 12 years ago by Flowerry Pott Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am going to try "you are cute" for fun. I am afraid it will insult the bulterliness of Wombat, but I am going to do it anyway. :) Thanks Flowerry
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink