Mr. Jupiter

Dr. Foxsocks is and always will be my bestest pal! I hope I can still get a Potian feast when the servers are cleaned.


Mr. Jupiter

I'm so glad you didn't keep this look. It's freaky!

Dr. Foxsocks

Pencil bag picture. New clothes, yeah!

Mr. Jupiter

The moon pigs are coming!

Mr. Jupiter's auction of 1x Flaming Humbaba, for 168 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Mr. Jupiter's auction of 4x Molybdenum Ingot, for 400 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Mr. Jupiter's auction of 1x Blue-White Hexagon Key, for 50 currants, has expired.
a long time ago


This isn't part of the "paper" tree
Ersatz make me think of ansatz
So long friends
My favorite thing to do in Glitch was to leave baby animals in strange places, especially home streets.

I'll see you Glitchen around, perhaps in meatspace.
Goodbye Xaraphyne
Why did you have to do?! Why oh whyyy! So yooouuung! Have a nice end of the world! - Mr. Jupiter