Sturminator 5

(Grey Knight)

Check out the Leg Up Negative Interest Bearing Microloan Service!


Fuelmaking Sturminator 5 finished unlearning the Fuelmaking skill
a long time ago
Self-sufficientiser Sturminator 5 earned the Self-sufficientiser badge
a long time ago
Hi Flyer Sturminator 5 earned the Hi Flyer badge
a long time ago
First Eleven Sturminator 5 earned the First Eleven badge
a long time ago
Furnituremaking II Sturminator 5 finished unlearning the Furnituremaking II skill
a long time ago
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Got battered around today IRL, came on glitch, and then got bettered around there. I wish there was a zone out option where no onecan IM you, talk to you, or interact with you in any way. Some days I just want a peaceful stroll around Ur without a gazillion people IMing me. If you were talking to me today, don't feel bad! It probably wasn't you. But sometimes, I just get really stressed out and just want to keep to myself. If I don't get over it by tomorrow, I'll be playing on my alt. Sorry if this made you feel bad, I probably do look like a whiner to you now.

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