Baron Münchhausen


Hmm Asking is better


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Baron Münchhausen

OMG How fun is this. I never saw the piggy riding outfit before.. Mizz BACON would love this

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Definition of a glitch: A short lived fault in a system. Yes, it was short lived. It was a fault because no one had ever played something so amazing, and the system is earth, who turned away from this game because it was just too good. :)

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Baron Münchhausen

"The portions of the website that will go offline on March 25th" Sigh I still miss my glitches. and naming the chickens Febots. This Glitch is sad

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Baron Münchhausen

9th day of Zilloween Wishes I could hand out some candy xD

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Baron Münchhausen

I did not expect this to still be running. Very awesome though. Hugs Glitches.

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Just a little Howdy :)
Helping Hands Clean Up Crew
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Our little way of saying thank you.