
"Time is money, friend!" You can often find me doing hard labour in Ilmenskie or Pollokoo.


Brook Brook added Avnas as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
rasamalai rasamalai added Avnas as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Elementary Penguin Avnas earned the Elementary Penguin badge
a long time ago


Avnas' Pilgrimage: Lem
Let it be known that on Theday, the Third of Candy, year 23, I, Avnas, The Marvelous High Undeca of the Continent of Mazza'la, Primate of Zille, made pilgrimage here to honour the giant Lem.

Let this be a holy spot for Lem, where Glitchen embark and disembark on the subway of his imagining.