Neon Tetra


I'm not really here, I am a figment of your overactive imagination! I used to be a Rubie Begonia, but now I am a fish!


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Innie?, Obviously

I miss my butler, I miss my trees, I miss my craftybot, I miss my gardens, I deeply miss all my piggies, and I miss you. :( *sits with back to door, crying* I do wish those Giants would fall asleep.

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Neon Tetra

I miss all those things plus I also miss you!

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HI!! Hope all is well w/ you... been killing time on Here be Monsters on facebook. There are A LOT of Glitchen on there. Have you found a good one to play?

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Status update
Neon Tetra

I'm in there too lovenlife! It's not a bad way to kill time while we are waiting for the Alpha testing to start in Mage Faire.

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Status update
Neon Tetra

I really miss Glitch today and need to be wandering Ur once more.

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Status update
Neon Tetra

there are lots of us cueing up to Alpha test Mage faire beginning sometime in March hopefully.

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Status update
Neon Tetra

And yet, I kind of loved it.. and all of you.

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