Status update

Surprise vacation time. Miss you all *hugs* Leaving Monday (tomorrow) or Tuesday and will be back on August 23. If I can get to an internet cafe, I'd be on. I'd miss Ur loads. Cheers all- Glitch hard on my behalf :P

5 replies

5 replies
  1. Clarabelle

    Aw, have a great vacation, Jess! Hope you're going to be somewhere AWESOME! I'm just coming back myself after being away from the computer (and out of town) :-)

  2. Ayasta

    Taske care, but most of all, have fun! *hugs*

  3. Scarlett Bearsdale

    I knew you were taking vacation unexpectedly, but didn't realize you'd be heading out of pocket! Have fun!

in reply to

Status update

Aw, have a great vacation, Jess! Hope you're going to be somewhere AWESOME! I'm just coming back myself after being away from the computer (and out of town) :-)

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