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Emerald Fern's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

Emerald Fern's Home Street

Owned by Emerald Fern


This street hasn't been cultivated yet!


I miss you Mom
But you continue to shine in my life like these Fire Flies do.
A note!
Dad I love and miss you alot can't believe you have been gone 14 yrs
Sometimes I kiss the tip my finger and placee it on your cheek in the painting I keep of you in my house. It brings a smile to my face to remember you, because you'll always be in my heart, Pop pop.
My Husband
To my husband. I miss you so. I wish you were still by my side and we would be sharing in the laughter we always had. You were a wonderful person and I feel sorry for those who did not get to meet you....a humanitarian...always ready to help those who were down. I love you and you will always be in my heart.
A note!
In memory of my friend Rita
A note!
In memory of Diana
A note!
In memory of Hazel
A Remembrance
For my beautiful kitty, Zoot. I still miss her.
My Dear Husband
I miss you every day dear dh!
My Dear DH
I miss you every minute...and I will always remember how you would ask "Are you playing your game?" Don't even know how to end this other than miss you and working hard to go forward.
My Mom
Who I miss everyday since her passing Sept 30, 2011

I think about her all the time
I miss everything about her
This is in rememberance of her
The most wonderful woman I knew.
A note!
To cubbie fish. I miss our class pet soooo much. ;(
A note!
in memory of my fil
For the best summer camp director ever
I only personally interacted with him a few times, but he was the life and spirit of the camp, and the world is a sadder place without him. R.I.P. Tim Kedge, 3/31/09
A note!
For MR.
My sister Sallie
She lead her life as she wanted to, regardless of what other people thought. She lived the things she believed in more than anyone else I have ever known. I did not always agree with her - or even like her sometime, but it was impossible not to respect her.

Sadly, in her 34 years, she was unable to change the world as she wanted to.

Despite a month in intensive care, the doctors never figured out what killed her.
Miss you mom!
You were the best mom any girl could have asked for.

You never lost that childish sense of fun and passed that gift on to your kids.

I wish you could have been here longer to see us all grow up and make our own happy families. You would have been a fabulous grandmother.
For the brother-in-law I loved like a real life brother!

You made my sister happy and brought so much to our family.

Your tragic, sudden death took its toll on all of us - and I worried that my sister would never recover. But she knew you wanted her to go on and she has done a lot of work honoring you since your death.

You were a good man and I am grateful I knew you.
In memory
To both of my Grandads, Cyril who sat me on his knee and call me 'Ragdoll Anna' and Leonard. Also my great Grandad Sooty and my great auntie Elsie who died recently. You are all missed dearly. x
To David
It's been six months tonight since you passed away, and I miss you every day. You're the closest thing I've ever had to a brother, and it makes me ache to see your parents and sisters still struggling to put the pieces back together, but you've given us so much to be happy about, and so much to fight for. (The amount of attention you helped bring to brain cancer still amazes me.) Every time I cook or play Monopoly or play with your dogs, it hurts, but I'm so glad you're out of pain, and I know that wherever you are (wherever that might be) you're being so much more than you could have been if you were still alive, still miserable and only half-here. I'm so, so proud to have known you and called you family.

When the heart...
When the heart
Is cut or cracked or broken
Do not clutch it
Let the wound lie open
Let the wind
From the good old sea blow in
To bathe the wound with salt
And let it sting.
Let a stray dog lick it
Let a bird lean in the hole and sing
A simple song like a tiny bell
And let it ring
Let it go.
Let it out.
Let it all unravel.
Let it free and it can be
A path on which to travel.

- Michael Leunig
For my dad.

And Davie's Grandpa and Great-Grandmother.

And Ginger's dad.

May you forever be apart of this game. We miss you everyday.
Still grieving
Doenika, my old friend and lover, I miss you and still can't believe you're gone. To you and to all my dear friends, family, and critter-kids that have passed over, I send my love always. Catch ya on the flipside...xoxoxoxoxo!