
Loving this game - and the friends in the game! Became a Glitch on the 18th of Remember in year 14 :)


Status update

Goodnight Groodle - Goodnight Glitchen - Good night! Just to lighten the mood - as least we will never see the awful red sign again. Well that didn't work. {{{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}}}}

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{{{HUGS}} tp you Faereluth and the rest of my fellow Glitchen.

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Status update

Well we all should have bought stock in Kleenex. I just changed back to the closest "outfit: I had to when we went live. Dear friends - we will meet again. Hugs many times over

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  1. Marla

    {{{HUGS}}} to you too MisAdventure!

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First question I would ask at a TS job interview: what % of your company's employees are terminated within their first 2 years of employment?

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Status update

Not very nice me thinks - ask how kind they were to those they had to lose and if they promised years and years of employment.

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*wishes she was on the other side of that closed sign*

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Status update

I thought I hated the sign in alpha then beta - wished I could have burned it then. Hugs to all my dear Glitchens.

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My Dear Husband
I miss you every day dear dh!
My Dear DH
I miss you every minute...and I will always remember how you would ask "Are you playing your game?" Don't even know how to end this other than miss you and working hard to go forward.