Lord Bacon-o

Work and live in NYC doing writing and comedy and the like. Performs with the improv team Thank You, Robot.


Lord Bacon-o

In my favorite place. Close my eyes. Wait for the end...

Lord Bacon-o

In my favorite place. Close my eyes. Wait for the end...


I regret not making it back there for one final visit. A lovely place to leave from.


Lord Bacon-o

In my favorite place. Close my eyes. Wait for the end...

Abbey Rhode

I managed to get back there one final time before the end...will miss hanging out on the dragon's head, meditating, and waiting to see if other Glitchen happened by


Lord Bacon-o's auction of 1x Focusing Orb, for 1000 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Status update
6 replies
  1. Fernstream

    I almost want one just because of this! Looks great.

  2. kastlin

    Squeeeeeeee!!!! My still almost shiny iPad has been waiting just for this!!! Thanks, LB-O!! I haven't even gotten the release e-mail from TS!

  3. caley dunn

    This might *might* push me into getting an iPad sooner than my budget allows.

    1 reply

  4. GreyGoose

    My iPad thanks you for the heads up! *rushes over to iTunes*

  5. kastlin

    I haven't had a lot of time to mess with it yet, but it is definitely entertaining. Whether I can actually create anything I enjoy listening to remains to be seen, or heard.

  6. scroobienoob

    dammit, i don't have an iPhone/Pad! that's amazing!

Lord Bacon-o

In my favorite place. Close my eyes. Wait for the end...


It was quite peaceful there, at the end of the world. <3



1 - Zille, Humbaba, Grendeline, Mab, Tii
2 - Alph, Friendly, Lem, Cosma, Pot

Elbow Grease ICCEH?
Treat Every Moment As An Adventure
When confronted with something/someone you don't like, take the challenge to make it better.

Don't complain. Make it better.

Lord Bacon-o Manor
Under construction.
Try your luck Plop Roulette
What pops in your plop?

Each plop as 1 to 6 seeds. Might be spinach... might be potatoes. Or anything inbetween.

Only 50 currants a try!
Take some herbs. Shuck a few. Replant. Don't be a dick.