Grem Sketch

Dreaming the life, man... Also, I'm a card carrying Butterfly Priest of the Minds of Cosma... imagined the 22nd of Remember, Year 17


Grem Sketch

Ze sea is full of life... but everywhere, there iz a struggle to zurvive.

Status update
Grem Sketch

I'll be online again in a little bit, but I just wanted to say: You've all been wonderful, lovely people, and I will miss you all very much. --Grem

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Grem Sketch reached level 46
a long time ago
Member of Hi Society Grem Sketch earned the Member of Hi Society badge
a long time ago
The Daily Hi-Skipper Grem Sketch earned the The Daily Hi-Skipper badge
a long time ago
Grem Sketch

This is not what I expected the end of the world to look like.


The Machinist?s Cookbook
So, you're a Machinist, or would like to become one? That's great, so am I! I put together this little tract as a quick reference guide for all of the recipes used to make things with Blockmakers, Fuelmakers, Woodworkers and Metal Machines. I hope it is as helpful for you as it is for me. --Grem

Urth Block Basics:
1 Heavy Gas
2 lumps of Loam
5 lumps of Earth

Fuel Cell Formula:
2 White Gas
8 blocks of Peat
12 clumps of Jellisac

The Woodworker Continuum:
4 Planks -> 1 Board
4 Boards -> 1 Wood Post
4 Wood Posts -> 1 Beam

Metal Machine Mathematicals:
2 Plain Metal Ingots + 3 Tin Ingots = 1 Metal Rod
2 Copper Ingots + 3 Tin Ingots = 1 Metal Bar
8 Molybdenum Ingots + 12 Plain Metal Ingots = 1 Girder

First Edition, Year 23, No. 54

Dear Lem
Thanks for being the Giant of writing and travel and stuff. :)

The Machinist?s Cookbook
So, you're a Machinist, or would like to become one? That's great, so am I! I put together this little tract as a quick reference guide for all of the recipes used to make things with Blockmakers, Fuelmakers, Woodworkers and Metal Machines. I hope it is as helpful for you as it is for me. --Grem

Urth Block Basics:
1 Heavy Gas
2 lumps of Loam
5 lumps of Earth

Fuel Cell Formula:
2 White Gas
8 blocks of Peat
12 clumps of Jellisac

The Woodworker Continuum:
4 Planks -> 1 Board
4 Boards -> 1 Wood Post
4 Wood Posts -> 1 Beam

Metal Machine Mathematicals:
2 Plain Metal Ingots + 3 Tin Ingots = 1 Metal Rod
2 Copper Ingots + 3 Tin Ingots = 1 Metal Bar
8 Molybdenum Ingots + 12 Plain Metal Ingots = 1 Girder

First Edition, Year 21, No. 25