Dr. Foxsocks


Mr. Jupiter is my irreplaceable adventure buddy! I could go for a Rainbo Sno Cone right about now.


Dr. Foxsocks

Hee hee. I made it because I felt like all of us Glitchen are going to become half-forgotten, like that ghost Glitch. And it was such a poignant quest.


Mr. Jupiter

I'm so glad you didn't keep this look. It's freaky!


Dr. Foxsocks

Pencil bag picture. New clothes, yeah!

Dr. Foxsocks

Pencil bag picture. New clothes, yeah!

Dr. Foxsocks

By the way, my pencil bag is super great! The bonus sticker was a nice surprise!



Ersatz Paper Tree

Dr. Foxsocks

Oh wow, you took a snap of my "tree." Cool!

Moehr Ossum

Family trip!

Dr. Foxsocks

How did you get those wild firefly cubimals to accept you as one of their own?

1 comment


A bed of buttermilk pancakes
I had always wanted the pancake bed, and I thought maybe one day I'll spend some money on currants and get one.

Then we all got currants for the end of the game.

I didn't think this would be how I'd get my bed of buttermilk pancakes. Having it makes me happy, but at the same time how I got it makes me sad.

I'm going to miss Glitch. I think we all will.
You touched me...
when you liked my snap!

Hello Kukubee,
I wanted to let you know that I felt super special when you liked the picture of me and Mr. Jupiter in Flipside. It's nice when someone whose work you like likes a thing you did.
We are in a long-distance relationship, and Glitch has been a way for us to do stuff together. Thank you for making a such a lovely world where we could see each other.

Wishing you the best,
Dr. Foxsocks
House of Cheese.
Left some w(h)ine to go with your cheese.
Things I'm going to miss in Glitch 5
The paper trees.

They are nice trees, and I like thinking about the crinkly sounds they make when you hug them.
I always wanted a paper tree on my street. I would name it and pet it and water it and love it and it would be my paper tree.
I did make a fake one though.

Things I'm going to miss in Glitch 4
My butler.

Even though he's kind of annoying and not very smart and says things that I kind of find insulting, I'm going to miss how happy he seems to be all the time and how he waves at me and how his arm will suddenly fall off.