
Please join the Second Life Group - GLITCH - . Find me on as GlitchenBob bye my friends. But I do talk, just ask me.


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Hi guys. Especially Smoreso. The day Glitch closed, I never said bye. I just said gtg. Sorry! Well, I'm saying bye now. Bye

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Status update

I couldn't get in to say goodbye. I missed it by just a few minutes...

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GnarlyBob joined LAST HANGERS- ON
a long time ago
Julia51303 Julia51303 added GnarlyBob as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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find the message for the 'stasis tool' in the forums. It will be worth the effort. Download your Glitch to your desktop.

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Flamingo Pink

What games are most of you playing? I'm extremely bored and tried lots of websites already.. I cannot download though because i have a poo computer. By the Way, I'm gladly informing you guys that I am PREGNANT with my first child!

10 replies

Status update

I too have tried lots of websites - I have played Miramagia more than the rest and there is a large group of Glitch refugees there. Try to settle in Owl Canyon.

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Status update

goodbye everyone - I miss you all along with the trees, the giants, the butterflies, piggies, batteflies, etc.... everything.

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