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I'm playing Here Be Monsters on Facebook now. It's kind of a Faunasphere+Glitch+fantasy combination. Strange, but cute and mildly enjoyable. I'm sure I'll like it more once I finally get all the Glitch out of my system (if that's even possible).

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Brib Annie

    I am trying so hard to like it because so many of my FS and Glitch friends are there but all the FB garbage really puts me off. I can't do anything without the darn Pop-up asking to post it on FB and/or a second pop-up asking how much real money I want to spend on some virtual game enhancement. I am just too upset to get very far into ti :(

    4 replies

  2. onelittlebird

    I'm impressed with Here Be Monsters (and I think I only found it because I saw your status about it). It hasn't got the same nagging as other FB games, that you can add friends without being FB friends is good & there's lots of crafting.

in reply to

Status update
Brib Annie

I am trying so hard to like it because so many of my FS and Glitch friends are there but all the FB garbage really puts me off. I can't do anything without the darn Pop-up asking to post it on FB and/or a second pop-up asking how much real money I want to spend on some virtual game enhancement. I am just too upset to get very far into ti :(

4 replies

Status update

My new motto: "You can take the girl out of Glitch, but you can't take the Glitch out of the girl." (And anything that's strictly on FB I won't play, because I don't do FB.)

3 replies

3 replies
  1. Wynella

    It's amazing how much stuff nowadays is FB-only. I don't FB either.

    2 replies

  2. Ann DramaDuh

    I do not go on FB. It's been months. Should I scrounge around and find my pw and log in and join the Glitchen who are there? Seems like I ought to.

    2 replies

Status update

I don't do FB games but if you poke around in the settings (the app settings or your account section re: apps) you may be able to pre-emptively refuse it all permissions to post to your wall. I can't promise it's possible with this one, but I have helped other friends do that with other games.

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Status update
Ann DramaDuh

I abhor FB. Haven't been on it for months. It's an identity-sucking whore.

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1 reply
  1. Brib Annie

    Thanks for the advice! I have been at FB for many years and find it more unbearable now that ever (sigh). There are a lot of "updates" and "likes" on my site that I have nothing to do with and can find no way to stop. I am especially angry about the "Likes" for ads that I have not even seen much less "Liked". I have stopped liking anything but comments by Friends as a result. I don't even "Like" photos that come from some commercial site even if I do like them and they are posted by friends.

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