Status update

I have been very depressed for about a week now, I don't know why. I'm going to talk to my best friend about it, but I'm sort of annoyed by the fact that i don't even know why I'm sad. It hangs over me like a cloud, I'm dragging myself through the days. The new best time of the day for me is when I'm asleep, at leqst I don't feel depressed then. I don't know what's going on with me :(

13 replies

13 replies
  1. Carl Projectorinski

    Oh, I know that feeling. Talking to friends is a great first step to dealing with it. The good news is that if this is your first experience with this depression, chances are good you'll recover and not see it again for a long time. If you've been dealing with it on and off for a while, then there are other resources you should seek! I've dealt with anxiety and depression most of my life. There's definitely hope. Hang in there!

  2. Ann DramaDuh

    Hey, Deletin! I've dealt with depression/anxiety/irritability for years. It took three and a half years before my correct meds were figured out, but ever since then I've actually felt "normal" most of the time. I'm not saying meds are the answer ... just saying that it sounds like you are in the midst of a clinical depression episode. When I am depressed, it is hard to ask for help. I'm thinking you might be the same way. Well, grit your teeth and force yourself to ask for help. Work at it. Don't try ... do! Ask for help.

  3. Minkey

    I'm so proud of you for planning a best-friend-talk!! That is exactly what friends are for. And, ditto to what Carl said. These kinds of feelings and things can show up and then go away as quickly. If it gets worse or stays too long, keep talking about it and seek other help if you need it. When this stuff happens to me, I usually tell my guy and then he says something like "really, you have no idea why?? I mean, the stress of moving, of your dad's cancer, of finding new jobs and of letting go of friends and good-paying jobs aren't obvious reasons for these kinds of feelings and emotions??" He says things that do make sense, even if I'm not seeing them clearly. Sometimes, even far-away happenings can affect us dramatically like school shootings, the death of a famous person we don't even know or like or something more subtle. Why am I going on?? Sorry!! I just want you to know we are all here, to listen and care. HUGS!!!

  4. Osiris ?

    That's how depression depression goes. At least from what I've heard. Dont enjoy things you once loved. Can't sleep at night. No explanation. I wouldn't wish that on anybody

  5. kastlin

    I don't have much to add to what everyone else said. The best-friend talk is a great start, sometimes they remind you of something that has been making you sad. My psychologist got me doing CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) several years ago. There are a lot of tools there to help you parse through what's going on, and how to deal with it. Most important is to not hide from your friends. Take care. {{{hugs}}}

  6. Aro

    Hey Bacon!! :-) I've dealt with depression and anxiety for about 5 years now. I highly encourage you to make sure someone around you is aware of how your feeling. The sleeping thing is totally normal for depression; at the peak of mine I'd sleep 18 hours a day. Hang in there.

  7. Ayasta

    It's good to talk it out and talk to people you trust. It can help. I've got Bipolar Disorder and have been in a major depressive episode for the last week. Depression doesn't even need a reason to crop up, that's why it's considered an illness, you can even have it when everything in your life is in tip top shape. If this is your first time with it, I hope it doesn't last long and that you bounce back to your old self and it doesn't come up again for years to come. If it keeps happening you may need to get help. There's nothing wrong with getting help, it doesn't mean you're weak or anything, don't be ashamed if it ever hits that level. Take care of yourself, I wish you nothing but the best. *hugs*

  8. Asthner

    I feel quite depressed too atm, so sorry for the emotional disengagement in this answer. However, here: have a kitty. ;)

    3 replies

  9. TransplantedEntwife

    ((hug))... Talking definitely helps, and I hope you feel better soon.

  10. OMG BACON!!

    Wow, thank you so much for all the replies!! It may not mean much to you, but for me its like a light in the dark night. I read all of your replies and it was nice to hear that many of you have fought your way through depression. About medication, I don't think that is necessary, its not severe. To be honest, the thought of suicide has not even crossed my mind, I am just worried that I will waste my life in a puddle of sadness. It makes me even sadder to think that a young 12-year old is already struggling with what seems to be depression. But also, I was happy to know that you are satisfied with my decision to talk with my best bud. This might sound a little silly, but I am more comfortable talking with my BFF than with my friend. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it is because I'm afraid my parents will freak out and demand a counselor, no matter how much I tell them that I have no intentions of killing myself. Maybe it is something else. Anyways, thank you all so much, thank you for being the beam of light in my dark sky.

    9 replies

  11. Flowerry Pott

    Bacon, do you live in the northern hemisphere where it's winter now? If so, your depression could be caused by short days and lack of sunlight. A UV lamp that mimics sunlight can help a great deal in that kind of situation.

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

I'm so proud of you for planning a best-friend-talk!! That is exactly what friends are for. And, ditto to what Carl said. These kinds of feelings and things can show up and then go away as quickly. If it gets worse or stays too long, keep talking about it and seek other help if you need it. When this stuff happens to me, I usually tell my guy and then he says something like "really, you have no idea why?? I mean, the stress of moving, of your dad's cancer, of finding new jobs and of letting go of friends and good-paying jobs aren't obvious reasons for these kinds of feelings and emotions??" He says things that do make sense, even if I'm not seeing them clearly. Sometimes, even far-away happenings can affect us dramatically like school shootings, the death of a famous person we don't even know or like or something more subtle. Why am I going on?? Sorry!! I just want you to know we are all here, to listen and care. HUGS!!!

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