Status update

Man, if I thought this place was quiet after the game ended, it's gone positively graveyard-esque since the new year. I feel like there are about 5 of us haunting these pages....

8 replies

8 replies
  1. OMG BACON!!

    Wooooo-ooooh, be afraaaaid! Woooooo, wooo-ooh....

    1 reply

  2. Carl Projectorinski

    It does seem that way. But, somehow, what communications *I'm* still making here seem to be some of the most important! At least, to me. I kind of expect it to peter out even more before the plug is finally yanked. Anyway, where-ever I go on the net for the next year, I'll be making references to Carl (because he's in my comic), so it'll be easy to find me at least. ;)

  3. Rook

    Rooks loves you. But he'd love you more if you'd update. (Something you see when you check how much favor you currently have with a giant.)

  4. kastlin

    And apparently all of them are on my friend list!! Because I have something to respond to every day!!!!!!!!! {{{{hugs}}}}

  5. Benzyl

    Seven apparently, enough to be magnificent!

  6. Pickle Bob

    I know! Multiple 24-hour spans with no action...most of my best friends haven't shown up in a while :(

  7. Luvi

    alot lurkers here :) but some of players already got deleted?! :/

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

alot lurkers here :) but some of players already got deleted?! :/

1 reply